How do I create an account?

Submitted by fabio.pintomac… on

If you wish to buy tickets, you must have an account. It is through this account that you will be identified on your tickets and that you will be able to access sales under certain restrictions.

Online: Here is a tutorial explaining how to create an account online.

At the Fanshop: Please bring your identity card and an email address (not compulsory for children under 12).

The platform tells me that I've already bought tickets in my name, but that's not the case. What do I do now?

Submitted by fabio.pintomac… on

Here are all the cases in which you may encounter this problem:

1. A friend has bought a ticket in your name.
Check that you do not have any tickets in your account.

2. You have made several unsuccessful attempts to buy a ticket.
Go to your transaction list and delete the transaction that is blocking tickets in your name. You will then be able to restart the purchase process.

How do I buy a ticket for an away match?

Submitted by fabio.pintomac… on

There are two types of sales for an away match.

      1. Combi bus sale
This means that fans travel by chartered bus, accompanied by police, from a meeting point to the away team's stadium. Visiting fans are not allowed to travel on their own. If this is the case, please contact one of our fan clubs who will organise a bus for you.

PS: Most matches are organised with combi buses.

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