Union has many supporters, not only in Brussels, but also in the rest of the country, and even beyond our borders. To ensure that as many fans as possible can actively follow their club, the clubs work with officially recognized fan clubs for, among other things, organizing trips to away matches.
General information
What is a Union fan club?
A supporters' fanclub is an organisation bringing together fans who share a common passion for the Royale Union Saint-Gilloise. It provides a community where members can take part in organised activities, enjoy exclusive benefits, and actively support their team. Fan clubs play a key role in creating a positive atmosphere at home and away matches. They maintain regular communication with their members via various channels. In short, they enable fans to connect, stay informed and get involved together around their shared passion: the Union!
What is a combi-bus journey?
A combi-bus trip in Belgium is a safety measure for football fans travelling to away matches. Fans travel in chartered buses, escorted by the police, from an assembly point to the opposing team's stadium. This system ensures their safety, including checks on arrival, and restricts access to the stadium to registered supporters only, in order to prevent incidents of violence and public disorder. These journeys are organised exclusively by the official fan clubs.
You can consult our Official Fanclubs and create a new Fanclub via the tabs above.

Loïc Lapoussin in front of full stands in the Europa League quarter-final away match on 13 April 2023.