

Union team doctor and massage therapist cycle 500 km for charity

Our team doctor Koen Pansaers and massage therapist Yves Cossemyns will take on the challenge of cycling 500 km in 24 hours for the benefit of VZW Bindkracht. They will be sponsored for this trip and all funds raised will go directly to the organisation.

VZW Bindkracht in Landen offers 13 young adults with disabilities a warm home. Founded by parents because of long waiting lists in disability care, Bindkracht offers day and night care with a varied range of activities.


In Flanders, more than 18,000 people with disabilities are waiting for the care budget they are entitled to. 6 out of 13 Bindkracht residents receive only a small part of their budget. Thanks to donations, VZW Bindkracht can still provide these people with the care they need.

You can donate here